Wedding Artificial Flower Display in Hickory

Our First Display Inside of Sero Bridal in Hickory, NC


 Looking to get our products out to the world we knew we needed a suitable place to display the articificial wedding flowers we offer so that the people could see and touch in person. We decided to partner with Sero Bridal of Hickory, NC. We have setup our first floral display and are available to start meeting with future bride and grooms in order to help them save money and get the best faux flowers they can get for their wedding. 

Buy or Rent

Here at Moya Zhenshina we know everyone is different. Some people want to ensure their artificial wedding flowers are brand new and in mint condition and some people want great flowers but they also want to save some money. This is why our wedding store in Hickory, NC offers the option to buy or rent on most flower arrangements! You simply pick out the wedding floral arrangement you want, the flower configurations you want, and then just decide whether you want to own them yourself or rent them.

Some of Our Colors

One of the first steps of your wedding is deciding your color(s). We have an ever-growing assortment of wedding artificial flower colors that we offer for sale or rent. We also offer the option to work with you at our Hickory, NC shop on custom making any wedding flower arrangement at no additional cost! Look through our assortment of wedding artificial flower colors or contact us to have one custom made! Remember this is not a complete list.

Some of Our Configurations

There are hundreds of different ways to use artificial flowers at your wedding, we call these configurations. You can have wedding flower centerpieces of varying sizes, flower walls, table runners, hanging floral chandeliers, flower tiaras, candle flower rings, and so much more. We have a set of stock configurations that we offer to get your chosen wedding flowers in that you can view. But don’t think just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean we can’t make it. You can meet with us at our wedding store in Hickory, NC and we can develop any type of wedding flower configuration that you can dream of! So take a look at our offerings and let us know which ones you want and how many or contact us to have custom ones made up at no additional cost!

The Process

  • Choose Your Colors
  • Choose Your Configurations
  • Decide If Buying or Renting
  • Make Appointment with Us

We Can Do Custom Orders

Not see the color you want? Or maybe you want your colors in a configuration we don’t have listed? Simply tell us what artificial wedding flower arrangement or configuration you are interested in and we will get back to you with pricing! We won’t charge your any additional fees for any custom work! Just contact us below with what you are wanting.